Friday, October 7, 2011


Of late, he's there everywhere - The Supreme Court said it was ok for the Gujarat state to investigate him first. Super entrepreneur that he is, he went into a P.R overdrive that read as - The Supreme Court finds no fault in the fact that I ordered the Police to protect all the crazy Hindu fanatics that killed any Muslim that came their way. He sarcastically declared that he would fast, and of course, that “God is great”! Both of us, I’m sure were stunned at the mass debates and headlines it brought on. A clear case of the media creating an un-heroic Hulk! If only a sarcastic comment could block prime time channels and have senior leaders debating on his every pause, he naturally zeroed in on the penultimate goal and tossed his ‘guru’ aside. Nothing personal, only business.

He's a thorough entrepreneur who has had enough of 'dole-outs'. He's the perform or perish type. No schemes for the backward, poor, the handicapped, sick etc, etc. He's had enough of ‘those’ type of people. All these un-necessary schemes, dont make the cash registers ring. Its all about profit. Not surprisingly, he wouldnt mind adding a touch of ‘private’ to ‘public’ sectors. Gujarat is one economic success story. Just dont ask why its got a hungry population even higher than that of U.P.

Just in case all this seems too materialistic (???!!!) he decided that he's a devout Hindu. Now thats a great combo - cash plus spirit. Throw in a pinch of patriotism, a dash of oratory skills, and he’s ready to be P.M.. Why, he even got himself a lot of Muslim votes too. Why bother with boring things like ‘Secularism’?? Such a waste of time. Those who claim to be secular have failed so many times. So he decided to be one up – Why be secular at all? Just cut it out. Mr.Smug believes in the “be like me, or live on the sidelines obediently while we allow you to, or get out policy.” He even thinks its macho. Hence the sparks between him and another macho man – Sanjay Bhatt. Only difference is that Mr.Bhatt took a ‘macho’ decision to do the right thing, while the other is regularly doing the ‘macho’ strut to flatten anyone who dares to disagree with the boss!

There’s just one tiny problem – I DONT BUY ANY OF IT ..................

Playing the violin while Rome burnt all around him is the ONLY thing people remember about Emperor Nero today. Someone’s going to be remembered just so, if at all.
Ordering the Police to protect murderers is worse than being a murderer. Its called being a cowardly murderer.
Thinking that he is superior to someone else because he was born into a certain religion that is numerically preponderous is absurd AND foolish.
Laughing at secularism only means that he’s laughing at tolerance and himself. Who hasn’t had to be tolerated?? So he mocks all those who tolerated him these many years, including his mother, poor educators, and of course, all of us who do so now. Clearly, He Who Must Not Be Named, thinks he epitomises the perfect human being!

................... & the best part is that I’m not alone. I guess, not a lot of people want to live a daily life where they would have to apologise and live hasty hesitant lives just because they are not Hindus, or laugh at people just because they were not smart enough to get ahead in life, or were dumb enough to be born handicapped!
Thank God for that and for sense.

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