Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Bu$ine$$ of God

I'm quite religious and firmly believe in God. The actions of His workers on earth however leave a lot to be desired, in my humble opinion. The crass attempts at conversion make me ashamed to a member of the same community as they do; little wonder that they get violent responses! The stuffiness and sense of self-importance that a lot of Christian workers I have come across, especially in the north East needs urgent remedy. Why do God's workers need to behave like class 1 officers? I dont see any signs of humility, humbleness and a love for the word of God. I think a change in the attitude of the Church is needed, sooner rather than later. At this rate, they are mis-representing God way too much. Of all the Christian workers that I've had the misfortune to come across, I've only seen a love for money in them.
In effect this would mean that the Ministry is an easy place to make money for un-qualified people who do not wish to appear for any kind of competitive exams!! Where else woud you get social recognition (much undeserved) and easy money with no qualification?? I think its a shame of the highest order.
Anyway, I know men who cheat on the Government and dupe the government of money. I can only admire those who have this extraordinary courage to dupe GOD!!! Maybe, on hindsight we should admire such bravery!!!
As for me, I refuse to let such shameful behaviour come between me and my God. I'm clear about the fact that those who thus misrepresent God do so at their own peril and I clearly separate them from God. His workers may mis-represent Him; but they are not Him. My religion and my faith are intact and I belong to a religion where I can directly communicate with God. I dont need someone to do it for me, thank God!!

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