Hello all
I'm a dental surgeon by profession, an Indian by nationality (from Mizoram to be precise) and a foodie. (I love food). I believe in living life to the fullest and to take everything that life has to offer us - good or bad gamely and make the most of it. I do not believe in a 'bad experience'. Everything and everyone teaches us something and life to me is a wonderful journey, which I accept with arms wide open.
I have an exam to give in about a weeks time, the Civil Service Mains 2009 to be precise, and to most I must be crazy to be blogging now. Well, the pressure can get really intense and so hereI am sharing whatever's on my mind......
Love is such a beautiful thing. It's so many things and too complex to be described. I doubt if all the poets and writers over the ages have ever come close to describing it closely. What is it that makes one's heart race? what causes so much of eager anticiption? how can the prescence of another human make you feel so nice? how can such a complex thing that cannot even be described still be something thats FOREVER? Alas man's pen is only just so; and so apparently is our wit!
Who are those lucky few who have had the fortune to experience this miracle? This indescribable thing which yet lasts for years without the slightest encouragement. It just needs a "hello" after five odd years for everything to just fall in place. And yet one meets so many people every single day and a "hello" isnt even noticed much less thought about. How does the grey matter sift through all this and instantly separate the much loved "hello" from all the other "hello"s we hear almost everyday?? What part of our brain makes us just stop and pause whatever it is that we are doing the moment we hear 'the' voice?? A query that leads to a quandry...............
I hope to find this elusive elixir one fine day.......... I've all my tools primed and ready, I've made my peace with my neighbour and my offerings to God. Now dear friends, lead, lead on .............................